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ESD Announcements

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Announcement: Complete Release of
"Perjalanan ke Arah Kelestarian:
Komik Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal"

We are delighted to announce the complete release of 'Perjalanan ke Arah Kelestarian: Komik Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal,' a collaborative initiative between WWF-Malaysia, NREB Sarawak, Trienekens (Sarawak). The educational book is now available for download! More information can be found here.

Happenings at ESD 

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International Webinar for Best Practices Sharing

Eco-Schools & FEE EcoCampus Programmes 
October 09, 2020

On 10 October 2020, the Eco-Schools Programme (ESP) co-organised the INternational Webinar for Best Practices Sharing in between Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and Qatar. We were honoured to have Deputy Minister of Education Dato’ Dr. Mah Hang Soon to deliver the opening speech. The webinar aimed to share and exchange ideas on best practices among Eco-Schools in Malaysia and abroad.


Malaysian Endangered Animal Awareness

by Naga Pranav Patcha

inspiring other young minds to work towards the conservation of animals.

With the passion to assist the saving of local Malaysian animals, such as the Malayan Tiger or the Malayan Tapir, Naga developed and coded MEAA (Malaysian Endangered Animal Awareness) from scratch.


It is modern and is equipped with a plethora of effects to appeal to citizens and encourage them to save the Malaysian animals. In addition, it is visually-challenged friendly. Click the button below to check out MEAA.

Voices of Young Leaders

If you are interested to be featured on this page for your contributions to Environmental Conservation and/or Sustainability, please reach out to us via the Contact Form at the bottom of the page. 

About ESD

About ESD

The world needs better education to manage the growing concerns over a healthy planet. Young people are the leaders, voters, decision-makers, and consumers who will inherit the current generation's human-made system and the world. Therefore, our education should focus beyond providing basic skills and knowledge. It should encourage people to think, innovate, and propel actions for the world and humanity.

WWF-Malaysia’s education programme aims to provide these skills, and it has gone through many improvements since it started back in 1977. It has evolved from building awareness to transforming individuals into sustainability champions. The programme sets its framework based on UNESCO's education for sustainable development goals and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We believe education must prepare students and learners of all ages to find common and differentiated solutions for the challenges of today and the future.

The scope of our work has also gone beyond the formal education realm to include sustainable cities and communities with a range of themes including biodiversity, poverty reduction, and responsible consumption and production. Our strategies aim to address environmental issues through active support for the formal education system, educational policy, and engagement with society.

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What People Say ?

“It changed my perspectives on things that I once turned a blind eye to and widened my view enabling me to think outside of the box rather than just staying in my comfort zone. Last but certainly not least, the Eco-Schools Programme taught me that despite having different beliefs, different dreams, different races and just being different in general, we humans are still living in ONE planet with ONE mother nature.
Throughout my 4 years being in this programme, I also realised that changes are possible and it is up to us to help make our world a better place so that our future generations could have a chance to live in a world filled with wonders of mother nature.”" 

Nojuel JC Soluku
- Student -
Sekolah Menengah St Michael Penampang

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