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Industrial Revolution 4.0


Industrial Revolution 4.0 was a success !!

Why Fourth Industrial Revolution ?

Whether we realized it or not, the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us. From ride-sharing applications to online flight booking and e-commerce platforms, to self-driving cars and drones, our lives are seemingly seamlessly integrated into this new dawn of technological advancement.


Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum, described the Fourth Industrial Revolution as “a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another”. There is even a distinct promise of environmental sustainability as these technologies can be the answer to adequate food, clean water, energy, the environment and global health. On the hindsight, the fear of job loss for the low-skilled workers is also discussed in the same breath as the promise of high demand for those whoare highly skilled.


This technological phenomenon that is upon us has the potential to disrupt almost every industry in every country. It is gaining traction at an unprecedented rate and making greater impacts than its previous predecessors. What is Malaysia’s stateof readiness toembrace these disruptions? This forum hopes to unpack someof the myths surrounding theFourth Industrial Revolution and build awareness and understanding of its environment, economic and social impacts.

The Industrial Experts

Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

(Chairman, Board of Directors, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia)

Industrial Revolution 4.0 Title :

The FourthIndustrial Revolution:
The leadership delimma

About the Expert:

Dzulkifli Abdul Razak is the Immediate Past President of International Association of Universities (IAU), based at UNESCO, Paris, after serving as the 14th President of IAU (2012-2016). Currently, he is the Chairperson, Board of Directors, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) and also an Honorary Professor at University of Nottingham since 2014. Dzul is the 1st Asian to receive the prestigious Gilbert Medal and the 7th internationally in 2015. He also received the 2017 Asia HRD Contribution to Society Award as recognition for people development in the academic world. He had served as the 5th Vice Chancellor/President of Universiti Sains Malaysia from 2000-2011; and the World Health Organisation (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Policy and Management (1995-2010); and WHO Scientific Committee of Tobacco Product Regulation (2004-2006). Dzul isFellow, Academyof Sciences Malaysia (FASc), the World Academy of Art and Science (FWAAS) and Malaysian Institute of Malaysia (FMIM). He is also Honorary Lifetime member of Asian Academy of Management, and more recently Fellow of the World Academy of Islamic Management (FWAIM). He is also the 2017 Tokoh Akademik Negara (National Academic Laureate) and awarded a number of Honorary Doctorates from various international universities. He writes a weekly column for more than 23 years, since 1995, for various Malaysia dailies on issues relating to education, health, and current events.

Mr. Mohamed Harun Abdul Jabbar

(Director of Strategic Initiatives, Knowledgecom Corporation Sdn. Bhd, KCOM Group)

Industrial Revolution 4.0 Title :


About the Expert :

Harun is the Director of Strategic Initiatives with KnowledgeCom Corporation. Prior to this, he was the Director of Operations with Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Office). He was actively involved in the Bumiputera Economic Transformation Roadmap, having championed the importance of Industry 4.0 to the Government. He has over 23 years of experience in Training & Development, Consulting and Program Management in various sectors and industries. As a former lecturer, he has taught post-graduate students from UiTM and professional students from UTM/BATC. He is also an invited speaker in many technology seminars/conferences in Asia, Africa and Europe and has conducted many ICT and Project Management courses in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Harun has a passion in teaching and talent development. During the weekends, he usually spends time with his family and as a member of the Harley-Davidson Owners Group he loves toride his motorcycle across the country.

Mr. Ahmad Khairuddin Shaaban

(Technical Advisor, EraSuria Ecopreneurs Sdn. Bhd.)

Industrial Revolution 4.0 Title :

Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Circular Economy

About the Expert :

• Chairman of Education & Awareness Committee in the Malaysian PlasticsForum (MPF) since 2006
• Technical Advisor for 2 years at Klang Hock Plastics, a leading Malaysian plastics film and packaging manufacturer from March 2016 to May 2018.
• Technical Advisor for 6 years with PETRONAS Chemicals Group (PCG) & PETRONAS Project RAPID from July 2009 to Sept 2015
• Worked in Dow Chemical for 26 years, mainly for Asia-Pacific Regional TS&D/R&D from June 1983 – June 2009.
- A Dow Chemical trained & certified Six Sigma “Black Belt” and “Local Champion”
- Over 30 years of experience providing technical, product and application development of various polymers in the region. Has given numerous presentations and talks with the recent focus mainly on Trends and Sustainability. • Industry Curriculum Advisor at UTM, IIUM, UiTM, UniKL, etc • Chairman of Industry Standards Committee on Plastics and Plastics Products (ISC J) for the Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM).
• Convenor for WG 6 ( Polyolefins)of SC 9 (Thermoplastics) in ISO TC 61(Plastics).
• Team Member of Mega Science 3.0 Agenda –Malaysia 2050: Plastics & Composites Industry Sector for the Academy Science Malaysia (ASM).
• Chairman Asian PlasticsForum –Sustainable Development Committee (APF-SDC) from 2007.
• Visiting Associate Professor at UTM, Chemical Engineering Faculty, Polymer Department from 2006-2013. 
Graduated in 1980 with a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biology from California State University, Chicoand in 1983 with a M.Sc. in Polymer Chemistry from Virginia Tech, U.S.A.

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Note: Activities may differ during the Industrial Revolution 4.0 forum.

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