Congratulation to all
Eco Champions!
Eco Student Award
Name : Hana Lee Ai Wei
Afiliation : Tenby International School, Setia Eco Park
Sembang title : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
The Tiger Award - Strength & Perseverance :
Name : Sangga Sinnayah
Afiliation : SJKT Bayan Lepas
Definition of The Tiger Award - Strength & Perseverance :
Tigers are fierce and straightforward; they keep on fighting if it means for survival. Recipients of this award are just like that: constantly hungry for more, unwilling to settle for anything less. They will fight tooth and nail against all prejudices and all judgement. As such, recipients of this award tend to succeed greatly in what they due, simply because they are straightforward and clear. Recipients of this award are often the fiercest yet kindest leaders alive.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
Eco Champion Awards 2020
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme holds a prestigious annual celebration to award the bright ideas and dedication of our local young environmentalists.
We identify individuals who positively contribute towards a sustainable living – and encourage communities and even local councils to support their green initiatives.
Since 2017 we have recognised hundreds of individuals who go the extra mile for the environment in a range of ways. Their stories are inspirational - some have been in charge of their school’s organic vegetable patch or wildlife pond. Others led the fight against energy waste or encouraged others to recycle. Some raised awareness of Fair Trade or raised money for various environmental causes. Some have done it all and together they have had a massive impact on sustainability and well-being within their communities and beyond.
You are invited to nominate an Eco Champion that you believe is making a positive contribution towards creating a green society and environment!
How does it work?
There are a total of 3 Phases in the Eco Champion Awards. Those are :
Phase 1
Nomination of the Eco Champions
Dec 2019 to 31 January 2020
Phase 2
Video CV and achievement summary of the selected nominees are evaluated
February to 30 March 2020
Phase 3
Voting period opens
(Note : Voting will only amount to 30% of the total marks)
15 April to 30 April 2020
Click on the videos to hear our previous
Eco-Champions' aspirations on environment!
Voting period has ended!
We owe it to you guys! This year we received the most votes for the Eco Champion Awards and we can’t thank you enough for the support. The voting period has ended and I know some of you are eager to know the results but hey, patience is a virtue so let us complete the evaluation process. We will announce the winners by mid-June 2020! In the meantime, stay in and stay safe!
Congratulations to all
Eco Champions!
We have concluded the annual Eco Champion Awards for the year 2020. This initiative aims to reward individuals who have been contributing to their communities with commitment and passion for the environment. The evaluation process was challenging because we received many outstanding nominations. We thank all the future sustainability leaders who were involved in the process.
The award recipients were chosen based on their leadership skills in influencing and changing their communities’ views on sustainability. They have played a significant role in guiding change for sustainable practices and have become a great inspiration to many other young leaders. WWF-Malaysia encourages more nominations to be submitted in the next edition of the Eco Champion Awards. Once again, congratulations to all the award recipients.
Take a look at the winners!
Eco-Schools Programme
Eco Student Award
Name : Hana Lee Ai Wei
Afiliation : Tenby International School, Setia Eco Park
The Eco Student Award was granted to Hana Lee based on her persistent work and an unfaltering commitment to sustainability. As the Head of Eco Initiatives in her school, Hana has played an instrumental role in engaging other students to understand the importance of conserving the natural world. Inspired by her father's love for nature, she wishes to continue encouraging students from Tenby International School, Setia Eco Park to actively care for the environment.
Eco Educator Award
Name : Chin Kok Chung
Afiliation : SJKC Tai Tong, Sandakan (Sabah)
The Eco Educator Award was presented to Chin Kok Chung, a teacher who initiated the successful oyster mushroom farm project in his school. Inspired by his mother who loves to repurpose and reuse old items, he's adopting the same lifestyle. His work has motivated many of his students to be actively involved in sustainability projects. A visionary teacher, Chin always finds a creative and interesting way to get his students to be interested in caring for the environment.
The Tiger Award - Strength & Perseverance
Name : Sangga Sinnayah
Afiliation : SJKT Bayan Lepas
Sangga Sinnayah was awarded the Tiger Award which carries two important values which are strength and perseverance. Tigers are fierce and straightforward; they keep on fighting if it means for survival. The recipient of this award resembles the same value as he would fight tooth and nail against all prejudices and all judgement. Just like the tiger, Sangga is the fiercest yet kindest leader among his peers.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
The Hammerhead Award - Creative & Innovative
Name : Joshua Lee Chee Kin
Afiliation : SM Sri KDU
Joshua Lee Chee Kin from SM Sri KDU carries two important values which are creative & Innovative to become the recipient of Hammerhead Award. He has the courage to put forward ideas that have never been thought of before. He’s become such an inspiration to many of his friends. A leader like this is what we need to build a society that moves towards progress.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
FEE EcoCampus Programme
Eco-Green Mentor Award
Name : Darshan Chandra Seharan
Afiliation : Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim
Darshan Chandra bagged the Eco Green Mentor Award for his continuous effort in a wide range of environmental initiatives on and off his campus. He attended and supported many events run by the Education for Sustainable Development, WWF-Malaysia. He's been passionately educating people on the importance of recycling. Among his peers, Darshan is known as a change-maker, for his ability to influence many of his friends to adopt a plastic-free lifestyle.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
Eco-Green Alumni Award
Name : Angel Tey Shu Han
Afiliation : SJKC Dengkil Selangor
The Eco Green Alumni Award was awarded to Angel Tey Shu Han for her unwavering support in environmental conservation. She is a familiar face in many events and activities run by the Education for Sustainable Development programme. A passionate and loving teacher, she strongly believes that environmental education should begin from preschool to boost children’s interest in caring for and improving the environment.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
Eco-Lecturer Award
Name : Melvin Gan Jet Hong
Afiliation : Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Melvin Gan Jet Hong from Universiti Malaysia Sabah was granted the Eco Lecturer Award for his hard work in raising environmental awareness at the university level. While his passion is in engineering, Melvin always finds ways to incorporate it in environmental conservation. Known among his students as a visionary lecturer, he encourages them to play their part – big or small in making our environment a better place.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
The Proboscis Award - Charismatic
Name : Khou Jerome
Afiliation : SJKC Union Penang
Khou Jerome is no stranger to the Education for Sustainable Development programme. Like the infectious energy of the Proboscis monkeys, he is presented with this award because of his ability to attract and influence others to be involved in many green initiatives. His kindness often draws the attention of others and when it comes to hard work, he chooses to lead by example.
Anushea A/P Sudhakaran : Elephants: A Life to Some, An Accessory to Others
The Borneo Elephant Award - Nurture
Name : Eryssa Shahezy Arianiy
Afiliation : Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Perempuan Melayu Melaka
Eryssa Shahezy Ariany Bt Zabahniah from IPG Kampus Perempuan Melayu Melaka was awarded the Borneo Elephant Award - the nurturer. Like the matriarchy of the Borneo elephants, being around the recipient of this award should always feel like coming home. Like a parental figure who makes you feel protected, the recipient is often perceived as loving, kind and intuitively sharp in daily work. Congratulations Eryssa, may you become an exemplary to other youths.
Eco Champion Awards 2020
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme holds a prestigious annual celebration to award the bright ideas and dedication of our local young environmentalists.
We identify individuals who positively contribute towards a sustainable living – and encourage communities and even local councils to support their green initiatives.
Since 2017 we have recognised hundreds of individuals who go the extra mile for the environment in a range of ways. Their stories are inspirational - some have been in charge of their school’s organic vegetable patch or wildlife pond. Others led the fight against energy waste or encouraged others to recycle. Some raised awareness of Fair Trade or raised money for various environmental causes. Some have done it all and together they have had a massive impact on sustainability and well-being within their communities and beyond.
You are invited to nominate an Eco Champion that you believe is making a positive contribution towards creating a green society and environment!
How does it work?
There are a total of 3 Phases in the Eco Champion Awards. Those are :
Phase 1
Nomination of the Eco Champions
Dec 2019 to 31 January 2020
Phase 2
Video CV and achievement summary of the selected nominees are evaluated
February to 30 March 2020
Phase 3
Voting period opens
(Note : Voting will only amount to 30% of the total marks)
15 April to 30 April 2020