You(th) Got the Power

What is Eco Champion Awards?
Do you know an eco champion in your community? Someone who goes above and beyond for the environment. If yes, nominate the individual/s by 16 January 2022. The six eco champions will receive a grant of up to RM 5,000 and participate in exclusive upskilling programmes to push their conservation projects to greater heights.
The Eco Champion Awards came about in 2017 to celebrate inspiring Malaysians for their outstanding commitment to conserving the natural environment. They are recognised for the significant success in sustainability that impacted their communities and beyond.
Young people are capable of anything they put their minds to when supported. So no matter how small or large their contribution to our environment, they should be rewarded and celebrated!

Putting our heads together in various pathways toward Net Zero Emissions.
In August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its sixth assessment report with the main highlights of how climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying.
The big question now is, how does climate change affect our community and us? First, we see an increase in extreme weather locally and globally. Last month, we witnessed severe flooding and landslides in several parts of the country due to heavy rain. Two months earlier, the Malaysian Meteorological Department warned the country of a prolonged heatwave.
Globally, even some of the wealthiest European countries could not stop the wrath of nature and were hit by devastatingly heavy floods. However, these extreme weather conditions are not the only impacts of climate change. We are talking about rising sea levels, disturbance to food systems, and many more.
If we do not do something now to address global warming, we will experience more extreme climate events that will change civilisation as we know it. To combat climate change, WWF-Malaysia and many other organisations and scientists worldwide are putting together efforts to achieve net-zero emissions. We are advocating for the target of a 1.5° limit to the current rise in average global temperatures as agreed by the international communities via the Paris Agreement.
Eco Champion Awards 2022: You(th) Got the Power – Nominations open!
Win up to
RM 5,000
and contribute to positive changes
Terms and Condition:
Nominees from the Eco-Schools and FEC Eco Campus programmes of WWF-Malaysia are encouraged to apply. For nominees not from the programmes, please mention the school/tertiary institution in the application form.
Application is open to individual, pair, or group (maximum of four people - the principal applicant must be between 16 and 35 years old). Self-nomination is allowed. Important: Please keep the nominee/s informed if you nominate others for the project.
Provide full name and contact details for the validation process. WWF-Malaysia complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance requirements to ensure that personal data is accurate and secure.
Grant prioritises projects that combat climate change via climate neutrality and net-zero emissions in Malaysia. Projects may tackle freshwater issues, GHG emission reduction, poaching, etc.
The project must include the following elements: community engagement and outreach, capacity building, engagement with key opinion leaders (KOLs), and innovation.
Selected Eco Champions will undergo four weeks of the incubation programme by WWF-Malaysia, which will include upskilling programmes on Digital Marketing, Project Management for Impact Creation and Design Thinking.
WWF-Malaysia will immediately disqualify any proposed projects/ideas which contain illegal, political, violent, racist, sexist, controversial, or obscene content.
The proposed project must be original but not necessarily new. You may also propose existing projects with NGOs or communities' conservation efforts to fit the criteria.
The project must engage at least 100 individuals through webinar/dialogue sessions/on-ground activities (if allowed). Through the KOLs collaboration, each project will have to reach at least 5,000 digital outreach on at least two different digital platforms.
On-ground activities such as a workshop, cleanup, tree planting, booth set-up must follow the safety and health guidelines and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as advised by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. WWF-Malaysia is not responsible for the breach of SOPs.
The project must be completed by June 2022. Project report must be submitted according to the template and deadline provided. WWF-Malaysia will assist in the project execution.
All results are final based on evaluation and voting. WWF-Malaysia reserves the right to modify or cancel the nomination process or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans, or other items directly or indirectly related to the Eco Champion Awards at any time and for any reason if deemed necessary.
Disbursement of the project grant will be done in two stages within the 10-weeks project duration (1 April - 10 June 2022). The grant recipients for the successful projects will receive the first half (50%) of the grant in April 2022 to initiate the project, and the remaining 50% balance will be released based on the project's progress report in May 2022.
Photographs and videos may be taken during the nomination process and final event. By nominating, you acknowledge and agree that the organisers may use the picture and videos connected with communications of the Eco-Champion Awards. If you disagree with this usage, please write in, and we will remove or blur the images/videos in our use of the materials.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has” - Margaret Mead
How does it work?
There are a total of 5 Phases in the Eco Champion Awards. Those are :
Phase 1
Nomination/Application for the Eco Champions Awards and submission of proposal
23 Dec 2021 to 16 January 2022
Phase 2
Project Proposal video pitch
January - February 2022
Phase 3
Voting period and evaluation of proposal
(Note: Voting will only amount to 30% of the total marks)
February 2022
Phase 4
Announcement of Eco Champion Award 2022 recipients
March 2022
Phase 5
Project duration
March to June 2022 (10 weeks)
Watch their videos here &
vote now!
Contact Us
Please send your queries here & we will get in touch with you the soonest.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme