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Eco Champion Awards 2018

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme holds a prestigious annual celebration event to award the bright ideas and dedication of our local young environmentalists.


We identify individuals that positively contribute towards a sustainable living – and encourage communities and even local councils to support their green initiatives.
Since 2017 we have recognised hundreds of individuals who go the extra mile for the environment in a range of ways.  Their stories are inspirational. Some have been in charge of their school’s organic vegetable patch or wildlife pond. Others have led the fight against energy waste or encouraged others to recycle. Some have raised awareness of Fair Trade or raised money for good causes. Some have done it all and together they have had a massive impact on sustainability and well-being within their communities and beyond.

You are invited to nominate an Eco Champion that you believe is making a positive contribution towards creating a green society and environment!

Congratulation to all

Eco Champions!

Our endless gratitude to all those participated in the Eco Champions nomination process and the award ceremony. We owe you big time for the success!

We will be opening up another round of nomination for Eco Champions Award 2019 sometime in December 2018.

So stay tuned!


-Main Awards-

Eco Educator.PNG
Eco Green Warrior.PNG


-Special Awards-

The borneo elephant award.PNG

The Borneo Elephant Award

The Borneo Elephant has maternal instincts take many others under their wing. Born a nurturer and a caring figure for its herd, it takes on the figure of the perfect guide and role model. This nurturer achieves their conservation goals while lifting others up and guiding others onto the right path.

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The Hammerhead Award

The hammerhead shark’s lineage goes back 20 million years, and remains the largest shark species today! Diverging from its ancestors, it has thus far found creative ways to evolve, adapt and survive in its environment. This creative and innovative leader can always find means to achieve conservation goals, time and time again! I’d like to call upon two special recipients to receive this award! 

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The Hammerhead Award

The hammerhead shark’s lineage goes back 20 million years, and remains the largest shark species today! Diverging from its ancestors, it has thus far found creative ways to evolve, adapt and survive in its environment. This creative and innovative leader can always find means to achieve conservation goals, time and time again! I’d like to call upon two special recipients to receive this award! 

FEE EcoCampus

-Main Awards-

Eco Lecturer.PNG
Eco Green Mentor.PNG

FEE EcoCampus

-Special Awards-

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The Tiger Award

The tiger, King of the Jungle! A symbol of strength and perseverance. As their numbers decrease, these mighty Kings fight fiercely for their survival. Forged through formidable challenges and obstacles, never once giving up and continuously challenging the odds to achieve their goals in conservation.

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The Leatherback Award

The Leatherback is very hard to find in the ocean, uniquely rare and independent. With its strong front flippers to propel them forward, they migrate huge distances. This award recipient carries determination and creative mind to keep pushing forward in conservation. It’s given to a candidate who has a strong vision to break through the conservation stigma.

Click on the videos to hear our previous

Eco-Champions' aspirations on environment!

Eco Champion Awards 2017

Eco Champion Awards 2017
Eco Champion Winner 2017 (Eco-Green Mentor)

Eco Champion Winner 2017 (Eco-Green Mentor)

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Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Borneo Elephant Award) - Nurturer

Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Borneo Elephant Award) - Nurturer

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Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Proboscis Award) - Charismatic

Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Proboscis Award) - Charismatic

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Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Hammerhead Award) - Creative and Innovative

Eco Champion Winner 2017 (The Hammerhead Award) - Creative and Innovative

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